I will assist you and your company until you will get a peaceful sleep.

As a successful entrepreneur, lecturer, director, owner of several companies and author of the book “The Golden Tree” I am here to assist the entrepreneurs in wood industry to achieve their goals.

My mission is to share knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship and business in wood industry, in which I have been operating successfully for 25 years.

I grew up in a family where I encountered with wood every day as my parents were engaged in international trade with wood products for all their life. Stokke, Stryntrappa and Ikea are just some of the partners with which I have been working successfully for a long time.

You can get everything you want in life if you will just help other people get what they want.

Zig Ziglar

Which business challenges can I help you with?



Do you have a great business idea and need an experienced partner who would just guide you a bit and warn you against potential traps?



Do you have your own company and do you »spin in a circle« for some time without any real output? Are you looking for an experienced interlocutor who would know how to go out of your frames and to look at the matter from the outside?



Are you looking for a long-term strategic partner with rich international experience, knowledge and acquaintance with whom you could cooperate in the long run successfully and with pleasure?

The Golden Tree

Are you interested in secrets of the most successful people in wood industry? How do the market leaders think and operate and what skills do you need to succeed in wood industry?


I never promise my friends, my acquaintances and my business partners anything impossible and anything which I would not be able to fulfill. I am a calm person who does not jump into an »empty pool« but realistically stands on the floor.

I can promise you that with me you will get a credible and skilled professional with rich experiences, a person who will help you to better results (personal and business). You will meet a person who is able to connect threads and to knit an intelligent and logical whole. And thanks to the knowledge and experience that I have, this whole can be much better.

Let us knit it together!


Matjaž Šivic


What is success? It is being able to go to bed each night with your soul at peace.

Paulo Coelho

Snapshots of my life

Husband. Father. Brother, Son. Entrepreneur. Lecturer. Business coach.  Author of the book. Beekeeper. Passionate windsurfer. Lover of nature etc. And above all, I am and I want to stay a Human!


GIFT: A book
"The Golden Tree"

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One thing is sure – coal will be gone and oil will be remembered only in history books, but wood will remain man's best friend forever.

Matjaž Šivic

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